Saturday, 10 November 2012

signs of summer - test shoot

Finally getting the opportunity to blog everything that I haven't had time to. I have a big weekend next week and I want to assure I get everything blogged before the weekend comes, as that will be a huge blog post in itself.

A few weeks back I met up with a childhood friend Caitlin, and we shot some photos. She's only ever been infront of the camera once before (which was my very first photoshoot ever) and this was a test shoot to get her prepared for all the times I'll be asking her to model for me again! And to help me get used to working with different people, as that is something I'm working on being more confident in.

We shot these at the wonderful seven mile beach in woollongong, NSW and the sun was extremely harsh, so again, this was an experiment for me with lighting as well.

Most photos are edited with my new curves, and I have also used the curve "blue poppies - julia trotti" as well!

if you live in sydney and would like to have your photograph taken by me, please contact me at!